Release notes

V 3.0.0 - 2024-11-03

  • 🚀 Refactor ResourceBundleAdapterConfig use also the LocalizedResourceConfig interface 💥

  • 🚀 Remove NilsConfigException 💥

  • 🐛 Change default translation file location to the package of the calling class 💥

  • 🚀 Reset NilsFactory

V 2.1.0 - 2024-10-14

  • 🚀 Support of translations from database using JDBC

  • 🚀 Use dependency version ranges if possible

  • 🐛 Fix missing cause in ExceptionBuilder

V 2.0.0 - 2024-03-07

  • 🚀 Change default include from "@include" to "_include" 💥

  • 🚀 Make all errors suppressable 💥

  • 🚀 Suppress errors in methods of NilsFactory

  • 🚀 Merge NilsConfig and AdapterConfig into one config 💥

  • 🚀 Refactor existing adapters 💥

  • 🚀 Cache Adapter created by its AdapterFactory

  • 🚀 Flag to disable the fallback in resource file based adapters

V 1.4.0 - 2024-01-29

  • 🚀 Support of YAML and JSON files using Jackson

  • 🐛 Wrong handling of YAML entries

V 1.3.0 - 2023-09-22

  • 🚀 Support of YAML files using SnakeYaml

V 1.2.0 - 2023-07-31

  • 🚀 Context based NLS instances

  • 🚀 Add message format provider

  • 🚀 Provide configurable class name resolution

V 1.1.0 - 2023-07-05

  • 🚀 Adapter for json using GSON

  • 🐛 Include-key must contain also a "."

V 1.0.0 - 2023-06-16

  • 🚀 Adapter for ResourceBundles

  • 🚀 Provide extensions for own adapters

  • 🚀 Initial project setup of NILS core


  • 🚀 = New feature or new functionality

  • 🐛 = Fixed bug

  • 💥 = Breaking change to previous versions