Hints / hacks
NILS and Java’s module-info.java
If you use NILS with a module based application and want to use the resource bundles or other files for the translations of your application you must give access to the folder containing the resource bundles using the opens
module my.xyz {
exports my.package;
requires com.codepulsar.nils.core;
opens my.package;
In the example the package/folder containig the translation files is my/package
It is recommended to limit the access of the opened package to the NILS module. In the next example the access is granted only for the NILS Jackson Adapter:
module my.xyz {
exports my.package;
requires com.codepulsar.nils.core;
opens my.package to to com.codepulsar.nils.adapter.jackson;
NilsFactory in a multimodule project
If you want to use NILS in a project contains different modules there are two main approaches using NILS:
Use one NilsFactory for all modules
Use one NilsFactory per module
One NilsFactory for all modules
This could be a solution if your project has a kind of "commons" module with classes shared between different other modules.
That you can provide one class using the NilsFactory
to provide access to all other modules.
This approach is useful if you want all translation at one place.